Acupunturist & Sports Injury Therapist In Waterford

acupuncture in waterford

What Treatments Are On Offer?

  • One to one acupuncture sessions.
  • Group acupuncture sessions.
  • Sports injury therapy sessions
  • Therapeutic massage sessions.

I am a member of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland which enables you to claim back on your health insurance policies, i.e. VHI, BUPA, LAYA Health.

About Orna Murray

  • Registered Nurse
  • Sports Injury Therapist
  • Diploma In Acupuncture & Traditional Chineese Medicine
  • Diploma In Psychology / Counselling
  • Neuro-Linguistics Programming

Get IN Touch

Phone: 0861903030

Email: murrayorna88@gmail.com

Want to see more?




Come On In

3, Hawthorn Close,

Hillview, Waterford

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@ 2020 Orna Murray Acupuncturist & Sports Injury Clinic