
What Is Acupuncture Therapy?

Acupuncture is a complimentary medicine that entails stimulating certain points on the body with tiny needles to alleviate pain, promote healing, and calm the mind and body.It works on principles of Qi flow in the body through meridian channels.

What Can Be Treated With Acupuncture?

All conditions may be treated, those most commonly seen are:

  • Muscular / Joint pain – neck & shoulder pain, back pain, arthritis, sports injuries.
  • Cardio care – i.e blood pressure, palpitations.
  • Digestive issues – I.B.S, heart burn, acid reflux, stomach ulcers.
  • Woman’s Health – menstruation problems, fertility, care during pregnancy, menopausal symptoms. 
  • Stress / Anxiety, low mood / depression, addictions, general mental health.
  • Supportive during chemotherapy and radiotherapy – helping to off set side effects and support the individual.


Group Acupuncture

I also offer group acupuncture sessions. This is a new and exciting concept and a way of receving acupuncture as part of a group. If you want to find out more, book your place or see the available dates, click on the button below.

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Phone: 0861903030


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3, Hawthorn Close,

Hillview, Waterford

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@ 2020 Orna Murray Acupuncturist & Sports Injury Clinic